- SSS-Nevada Application
- SSS-Nevada Eligibility Requirements
- SSS-Nevada FAQ
- SSS-Nevada Staff
- SSS-Nevada Tutoring
- Terms of Service

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When does SSS accept applications?
Applications are accepted year-round; however, entrance into the program is competitive so you will want to submit a completed application early in the fall. Students who apply after the program is full will be placed on a waiting list until an opening becomes available.
Q. If accepted, will I have to apply for SSS every year?
No. Once a student is selected for participation in the program, she/he does not reapply each year and will remain in the program until graduation from Crowder College.
Q. How is documented financial need determined?
Financial need is based on guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Education. If you qualify for a Pell grant you usually meet the financial need guidelines.
Q. What is a “first-generation college student”?
A “first-generation college student” is a student/participant whose parents or legal guardians with whom they permanently reside have not completed a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Q. Where is the SSS office located?
The SSS offices are located on our campus in Nevada, Missouri.
Q. What will it cost me?
All SSS services are offered at no cost to participants. However, some cultural activities may require a deposit which will be refunded at the time of participation.
Q. What is expected of me as a SSS participant?
SSS participants are expected to meet with a SSS Academic Coordinator each semester to complete a Personal Success Plan (your chance to set goals for each class) and see a SSS staff member at least one additional time during each semester. There are many opportunities offered each semester in which you will want to participate.
Q. Can I receive tutoring even if I’m not in the SSS program?
Yes! Free tutoring is available to all Crowder College students. Stop by the Office of the Student Services Coordinator, or you can stop by the TRIO SSS offices, to get more information.
Q. How can I be a tutor?
Yes! Just come by the SSS office and complete a tutor application. A tutor must have a B or greater in the courses they wish to tutor.
Q. Does SSS have money for scholarships?
Yes and No. Scholarship funds availability can vary each semester based upon various factors. The safe bet is always to ask if SSS has any scholarship money available. And of course, we are always available to help you look and search for scholarship opportunities both within Crowder College and outside of Crowder College. So don’t be afraid to ask us!
Q. How will SSS services help me?
SSS provides a broad spectrum of one on one and group services such as tutoring, academic planning, help with completing your FAFSA each year, personal success planning, cultural trips, campus visits, enrollment assistance, and the list goes on and on. Graduation rates are higher for students in our program than those who are not. And best of all, it is all free to you if you qualify to be a participant in our program!
Q. What are the TRIO SSS office hours?
SSS Offices are open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm Monday – Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Fridays (with the exception of holidays).