- ACT Residual
- Graduation Exit Exam
- High School Equivalency
- Make-up Testing
- Placement Testing
- Proctoring Services
- TEAS Nursing Exam
- TSA Business Exam
- Testing for Credit
Testing for Credit
Crowder College will now be accepting DSST exam scores and evaluated for course credit. The course credit will be applied to the academic transcript upon receipt of the official score report. Students wishing to have their scores sent to Crowder College, please use DSST Code 8558. Crowder College will only be accepting score reports, we are currently NOT a testing location. For more information and to find the nearest testing location, please refer to:http://www.getcollegecredit.com/
To ensure you will be taking an exam that is appropriate for credit at Crowder College, please refer to this brochure.