Student Clubs & Organizations
Being involved in extra-/co-curricular activities is an integral part of the College learning experience, providing students the opportunity to meet people with similar interests, develop leadership skills, explore new passions/interests, serve the community, and leave a lasting legacy on campus.
Active involvement shows potential employers that you are outgoing, a team player, and willing to represent something bigger than yourself. You can get to know faculty and staff on a more personal level through your and their involvement, and potentially make connections with others in your field of interest.
Student Organizations are overseen by the Student Affairs division. Any group of students may be recognized as an organization as long as their purpose is within existing federal, state, and local laws and college policies.
If you are interested in learning more about Student Clubs and Organizations, please contact the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at 417-455-5636, or N110.
Aggie Club
Aggie Club promotes leadership and social interaction for students seeking a degree in agriculture majors.
Contact Information:
Email – JorgeZapata@crowder.edu or on Facebook under Crowder Aggies
Baptist Student Union (BSU)
- Email – bsu@crowder.edu
- Email – apfrim.crowderbsu@gmail.com
- Website – www.crowderbsu.com
- Facebook – Crowder College BSU
- Instagram – @ccubsu

Catholics Campus Ministry
Crowder Catholics Campus Ministry exists to help all of the faithful exercise their baptismal prerogative by helping build up the Church on campus and bring Christian witness to the academic world. Catholics Campus Ministry host weekly Bible studies, guest speakers, prayer, and fellowship for all students.
Contact Information:
- Email – Carly Barwick
- Email – Joseph Beachner
- Facebook – Catholics Campus Ministry
- Text “@cccatholic” to 81010
Crowder College International Club
- Email – Internationalclub@crowder.edu
- Instagram – @Crowder_International
- What’s App – scan the QR code provided

Crowder College Speech and Debate Club
The Crowder College Speech and Debate Team serves to support the College’s mission of creating civil, serving, literate, learning community of responsible citizens by teaching students skills necessary to achieve that mission. Students will learn how to advocate for their position, research both sides of a topic, sympathize with the plight of a character and so much more.
The Speech and Debate team participates in 5-8 competitions per year as well as participates in at least two on campus debates per year.
- Email – MichaelBrockett@crowder.edu
Crowder Players (Theatre) Club
The club is intended to generate student interest in theatrical activities. We strive to cultivate a community in which students are engaged in social and academic advancement. The Crowder Players club is involved in activities on and off campus, including hosting high school drama competitions, fundraising, attending professional plays, movie nights, attending local festivals, performances and recruiting events, hosting social functions, and community service.
- Email – Annie Smith
Delta Tau Alpha (Agriculture Honors)
Delta Tau Alpha Honor Society recognizes students who have reached a high level of excellence in Crowder College’s Department of Agriculture.
- Email – KylieHackworth@crowder.edu
Nurses Association
The Student Nurses Association provides opportunities for nursing students to practice leadership skills, enhance nursing education opportunities outside the Crowder campus and participate in community service. It also provides opportunities for students to mentor newer nursing students.
- Email – HeatherVanlue@crowder.edu
Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)
Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) is the college version of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) at the high school level. PBL focuses on developing leadership skills, providing network opportunities, experiencing real world business environments, and also competes against other institutions. PBL is open to all majors, but is offered through the Leadership Development and Service Learning (BSAD 110) course. The course is a relaxed atmosphere, no text books, no exams, no research papers. It is a participation based course and is centered around getting involved on campus, meeting new people, and developing important business skills. Enroll today!
- Email – Gregory Murdock
- Email – Scott Donaldson
Phi Theta Kappa
The American Association of Community Colleges has named Phi Theta Kappa the official honor society for two-year colleges. Members have sponsored activities and meetings, transfer scholarship opportunities, community service opportunities, and potential national, state, and local recognition and honors.
To join Crowder College’s XiXi chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society one must meet the criteria for membership, complete the online membership forms, and pay the membership fee by the semester deadline.
To be eligible to join, students must have a cumulative (career) GPA of 3.5 or above; a minimum of 12 hours of college-level courses complete; be currently enrolled in 6 or more hours at Crowder College, pay the one-time membership fee, and complete the online application before the deadline using the details included in their invitation to join. You can find more information by through our Academic Affairs Office: 417.455.5740 or email: AcademicAffairs@Crowder.edu
The Quiet Club
The Quiet Club: A Club for Introverts is a club is for everyone! Meet like- minded students without the pressure!
Meetings may include:
Food socials
Study nights
Info sessions
And more!
Email: JaclynKidd@Crowder.edu
Join our GroupMe: GroupMe – Join the group for Quiet Club
SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens through the SkillsUSA Framework that includes personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics. SkillsUSA offers opportunities for growth through competitions, locally and at the state level.
- Email – Clarence Brewer
Student Friends of the Library
Student Friends of the Library strives to create an environment within the library that is student friendly and provides a sense of community for library users. Student members have opportunities to voice their opinions on library services and they plan activities within and outside the library to enhance the experience for Crowder students.
Email: LeeLibrary-SFOL@Crowder.edu to get involved. For specific questions, please email SamanthaEspenschied@crowder.edu.
Vet Tech
Crowder’s Vet Tech Club focuses on providing leadership opportunities, professional membership in NAVTA (National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America), and community service projects to students in the Vet Tech program. They work with local animal shelters on adoption and fundraising goals and attend the national Fetch Conference each year.
Check us out on Facebook or Instagram (@crowdercollegevettech). For specific questions, please email ShawnaEstep@crowder.edu.
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