



Cashier’s Office

Monday thru Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM | Friday 8AM – 4:30 PM


Email: Cashier@Crowder.edu

Review your student account at Semester Statements – Main View | My Student Account | Finances | My Crowder

Starting July 1, 2025, Crowder College will implement a new fee structure for credit card payments through our third-party processor, Transact. Students will be responsible for the following fees:

  • Credit/Debit Card Fee: 2.95%

  • International Credit Card Fee: 4.25%

  • Minimum Service Fee: $3.00 per transaction

To avoid these fees, we encourage you to consider alternative payment methods such as ACH (Electronic Check), which is free, or cash and check payments made at the Bursar’s Office or by mail. For questions or further information, please contact the Bursar’s Office at 417-455-5402 or email cashier@crowder.edu.

Make Payments , set up a payment plan or Refund preference through the MyCrowder Portal at Payment Portal – Main View | My Student Account | Finances | My Crowder

Make a Guest Payment (You will need the Student’s ID, last name and amount you want to pay) https://commerce.cashnet.com/cashnetg/static/epayment/crowderpay/login?isGuestUser=yes

For 1098-T information and Instructions 1098-T Information – Main View | My Student Account | Finances | My Crowder