
Scholarships & Grants for Veterans


The Missouri Returning Heroes’ Education Act  provides that all public institutions of higher education that receive any state funds appropriated by the general assembly shall limit the tuition charged to combat veterans to $50 per credit hour, for any program leading to a certificate, an associate or baccalaureate degree. A combat veteran is any person who served in armed combat after Sept. 11, 2001, who was a Missouri resident when first entering the military and who was discharged from military service under honorable conditions.

An eligible combat veteran shall receive the tuition limitation as long as the veteran achieves and maintains a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 or its equivalent. The eligibility period for the tuition limitation shall expire 10 years from the date of the veteran’s last discharge from service.

How do I apply for Missouri Returning Heroes?

Please make sure a copy of your DD form 214 is on file with the Veterans Services Office and contact the VA Services Coordinator concerning your eligibility. This information came from the Missouri Department of Higher Education. To learn more, click here.


These grants are available annually to children and spouses of veterans whose deaths or injuries were a result of combat action or were attributed to an illness that was contracted while serving in combat action, or who became 80 percent disabled as a result of injuries or accidents sustained in combat action since Sept. 11, 2001. The total number of veterans that may receive a grant in any year is limited by statute to 25. The veteran must have been a Missouri resident when first entering the military service or at the time of death or injury. The Missouri Veteran’s Commission determines whether the veteran meets the program’s requirements.

How can I apply?

Download and complete the Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant Program Application.

Return the completed application to:

Missouri Department of Higher Education
Attn: Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant
P.O. Box 1469
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1469

For first-time applicants, the Missouri Veteran’s Commission must complete Section IV of the application. Renewal students are required to complete Sections I, II and III of the application each year. If you have any questions or need an application sent to you, you may contact the MDHE at 800-473-6757, option 4.

There is no application deadline; however, early submission of the completed application is encouraged since the number of recipients is limited.

For more information, click here.


Spouses of military active duty members and activated members of the National Guard and Reserve Components are eligible

How much can I receive?

MyCAA Financail Assistance pays for education and training programs, tuition, and licensing/credentialing fees ($4000 max/ $2000 per year).

How can I apply?

Establish a MyCAA Account by visiting the MyCAA website.

Other resources for Scholarships can be found here.