English & Literature
Crowder offers a number of excellent courses in English and literature to meet our students’ needs:
- English 100, an in depth study of traditional grammar and mechanics of composition, may be required based on placement exams, and is beneficial for elementary or secondary education majors;
- English 101, instruction and practice in writing expository themes on topics of importance and significance;
- English 102, instruction in more complex methods of thesis development and research and documentation procedures;
- English 109, an introduction to the literary genres of short story, novel, poetry, and drama;
- English 120, a survey of world literature from classical times through the Renaissance;
- English 125, a survey of world literature from the Renaissance to modern times;
- English 203, instruction in technical writing.
Most degree programs at Crowder will require completion of two to three of the above classes, and certainly the information and skills gained in the English and literature classes will benefit students in all their other academic pursuits as well.
“The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation.” –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, as those who move easiest have learned to dance.” –Alexander Pope