

Documentation Guidelines

In order to fully evaluate accommodation requests Crowder College will need appropriate documentation of the disability.   The Student Accessibility Office uses the documentation to:

  • Determine if the documentation certifies that a disability is present.
  • Determine if the disability causes a substantial limitation to a major life activity such as learning, hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, etc.
  • Determine the current impact of the disability as it relates to the accommodation request.

The evaluation process includes a review of the documentation and will generate a list of potentially reasonable accommodations based on potential effectiveness, preferences of the student, and fundamental goals of the program/course.  While the OAS Office works hard to make sure accommodations are implemented in a timely manner please keep in mind that eligibility determination is not a same day process. Once documentation is received, it will be reviewed in order of receipt.  In particularly busy times, such as the start of a new semester, this process may take longer.   You can apply for services at any time during the semester however, accommodations are not retroactive.  Even if you are not sure you will need accommodations for a class, it is better to have them in place than to find yourself in trouble halfway through the semester.

The general documentation guidelines provided below must be typed, signed by a qualified professional and submitted on official letterhead.  Diagnostic procedures for a given disability should be based on current standards in the field.   A learning disability assessment should include data based on age norms (assessments normed for adults are preferred) and include all standard test scores as well as sub-test scores and percentiles.  Crowder College does not provide diagnostic testing services but can provide an area provider list upon request.  A diagnostic statement identifying the disability, date of the current diagnostic evaluation, and date of the original diagnosis.  When appropriate, include International Classification of Diseases (ICD) or Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) codes.    Individual education plans and section 504 plans while helpful are not enough to establish the presence of a disability at the post-secondary level.

  • A description of the diagnostic criteria and or diagnostic test used.  This description should include the specific results of diagnostic procedures, diagnostic tests utilized, and when administered.
  • A description of the current functional impact on physical, cognitive, and behavioral abilities in an academic setting should be described.  Information regarding the severity of the condition is recommended.  If the condition is episodic in nature, level of functioning should be assessed based on the active symptoms.
  • Treatments, medications, assistive devices/services currently prescribed or in use should be included along with any significant side effects.
  • A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability over time should be included.
  • The credentials of the diagnosing professional.  Each qualified professional must have expertise in the areas for which he or she is providing a diagnosis. Evaluators should not be related to the individual being assessed. Diagnoses written on prescription pads are not considered appropriate documentation.
  • Recommendations for appropriate accommodations, with rationale for each.  Ideally documentation should include a history of current and past accommodations and whether or not they were useful.  Recommendations for future accommodations and services are helpful and should be included.  However, the determination of whether an accommodation is reasonable and appropriate within the college environment rests with the Student Accessibility Office.

After documentation is reviewed, the Student Accessibility Office will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your information with further instructions regarding your eligibility status.   Once eligible, the student will schedule an appointment to meet with the Accessibility Services Coordinator to discuss and implement an accommodation plan.  Accommodations are included in an Instructor Notification Letter and list the student’s classroom accommodations.  Once created, the student will need to pick up their Instructor Notification Letters from the Student Accessibility Office.  Once you have your letters, you should provide them to each of your instructors in order to let them know of your accommodation needs.